Tuesday, December 11, 2007
YOOHOO, Anyone Out There????
Wow, it's been forever. I'm not here to post much except to let you all know (whole maybe 2 readers) to check out the giveaway that Judi over at Plumtickled Fabrics is doing. Check it out, you won't be disappointed. I can't wait for Christmas to see if I get that new sewing machine and if I do my poor debit card is going to be sending lots of $$$ Judi's way. I bet her bank account will be just plumtickled (ok I know that was lame, but so cute I couldn't resist)! Click here to enter her drawing.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I'm In Denial!!!
I'm singing, "I'm In Denial" to the tune of "We're in the money"!!! Anyway, enough of my lame jokes!! Just wanted to do a short post to let you all know that I really am in denial right now and just can't deal with the whole weight loss thing right now. I promise to check back in on Monday with a new plan. The Halloween party and girls shopping weekend (did I tell you all that means without the husband, the boy and the girl) will be past me!
I have alot going on and will be sure to post about it all on Monday.
Also, wanted to tell you I came across a new blog that I've really enjoyed reading. Check out her blog: Big, Blonde, Beautiful Jess! I've enjoyed reading her because she has such a positive outlook on weight loss and even though she wants to lose weight she is at peace with herself. She seems like a breath of fresh air!! Check out number 4 in this post!!!
I have alot going on and will be sure to post about it all on Monday.
Also, wanted to tell you I came across a new blog that I've really enjoyed reading. Check out her blog: Big, Blonde, Beautiful Jess! I've enjoyed reading her because she has such a positive outlook on weight loss and even though she wants to lose weight she is at peace with herself. She seems like a breath of fresh air!! Check out number 4 in this post!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Yippee, Future MILF loot arrived!
Thanks Judi over at Plumtickled for the awesome Future MILF Swap gift! It was so much fun when the husband got home from the post office with my package. When I first opened the package I saw this darling pouch (I think the fabric is so cute) full of goodies.
Thanks again and I hope everyone (not that I have many readers!) takes a few minutes to check out Judi's site. She not only has some pretty stuff over her way but she rocks when it comes to her weight loss and she's funny! Keep up the great work! Now if only her success can reach me here in the North!
When I opened the pouch I found some little yummies, something sexy and something just for fun. Thanks Judi for sharing with me some of your favorite helpers for WW. The drink is 0 points and counts as water, the Fiber One bars are 2 points and the Nips you get 2 pieces for 1 point! And oohlaalaa, the Brown Sugar thigh highs. The husband, he is adding these as his favorite! The just for fun fat quarter (I may sound dumb saying this but I have to tell you I've never heard of the term fat quarter!!) of fabric is so pretty I can't wait to use it. I love the colors. Anything paired up with brown, I love.
Monday, October 22, 2007
There will be no weighing in on the weight!!!!!
The title says it all!! So sorry but I'm in loser mode! The Halloween camping weekend was not good to this Northern Michigan Mom. The sad thing is, I'm going to have an excuse for the next couple weekends. Next weekend is our card club Halloween party (night out without the boy and the girl) and the following weekend is my annual shopping weekend in the big downstate city with the girlfriends (weekend away without the husband, the boy and the girl)! Don't laugh because I've only reported a big whopping 1 pound loss. You all just wait, I'm going to surprise you someday!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I just like that name. Since I have started this blogging bit several blogs I read talk about their etsy shops or etsy finds. I have to tell you, I checked it out last night and now have a new internet addiction (the husband is scared for the checkbook!). I soooo love this necklace, and check out the super cool fabric here. Check it out when you have some time but tell the hubby to hide the checkbook, or credit card or debit card!!!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Weighing in on weight and the weekend
I'll start out by saying that I didn't do great with the diet this past week but I did O.K. I need to take things slow on my road to healthy eating perfection!! Anyway, listed below is my weight from this morning:
Weight lost: 1 lb
Current Weight: 247
Diet: Counted points only one day. oops!
Exercise: Not
I know, I know, it doesn't look like I'm trying real hard but honest, it is on my mind constantly and am working real hard at being serious about this. Don't give up on me!
O.K., now on to a lighter note. We had a busy weekend. The Girl performed with The Young Americans as part of their music outreach tour. This group of performers is unbelievably talented. It was a chance of a lifetime and she would love to do it again. The girl did awesome and she was a joy to watch. So very proud of her smiling face. Thanks Becc over at Finding Her Way for letting us know how much your girl enjoyed it!
It is the time of year again where I make The Boy and The Girl pose for a few photos that I can put on my Christmas cards. I have to tell you, The Boy hates it!!! I basically tell them that today is about me, not you, and you don't have a choice in this matter so, "shut up and smile!" He did pretty good! Of course The Girl wouldn't stop posing. I had to tell her, "enough already!" All in all the photo session went well. We took the pictures at the In Law's house in their backyard where the river runs through! Following are the two photos that are in the running for the Christmas card. Let me know your vote. (I know it's a bit early for Christmas, but if I don't do it now I get way busy).

Weight lost: 1 lb
Current Weight: 247
Diet: Counted points only one day. oops!
Exercise: Not
I know, I know, it doesn't look like I'm trying real hard but honest, it is on my mind constantly and am working real hard at being serious about this. Don't give up on me!
O.K., now on to a lighter note. We had a busy weekend. The Girl performed with The Young Americans as part of their music outreach tour. This group of performers is unbelievably talented. It was a chance of a lifetime and she would love to do it again. The girl did awesome and she was a joy to watch. So very proud of her smiling face. Thanks Becc over at Finding Her Way for letting us know how much your girl enjoyed it!
It is the time of year again where I make The Boy and The Girl pose for a few photos that I can put on my Christmas cards. I have to tell you, The Boy hates it!!! I basically tell them that today is about me, not you, and you don't have a choice in this matter so, "shut up and smile!" He did pretty good! Of course The Girl wouldn't stop posing. I had to tell her, "enough already!" All in all the photo session went well. We took the pictures at the In Law's house in their backyard where the river runs through! Following are the two photos that are in the running for the Christmas card. Let me know your vote. (I know it's a bit early for Christmas, but if I don't do it now I get way busy).

The Boy had his last football game tonight. He had an awesome game to close out the season. I'm so proud of him. He had several tackles and a safety. For those of you that don't know much about football (this is me too!) those are good things!!! Way to go boy!!! Can't wait to watch you playing Basketball.
I'll post again next week with my weigh in. Wish me luck, we are camping this weekend. Some friends of ours camp this time of year and have a big halloween bash. I'm going to try to be real good.
I'll post again next week with my weigh in. Wish me luck, we are camping this weekend. Some friends of ours camp this time of year and have a big halloween bash. I'm going to try to be real good.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Well the dreaded day is finally here. I have promised here and here that I would post my starting weight. I got the weight watchers materials out this morning and seem to be doing quite well. I have actually already consumed 4 out of 6 glasses of water. Please note that I'm not attending ww meetings I'm just using their materials. I have signed up oh, I don't know probably about 4 times in the past and know what I need to do so I'm just going to weigh myself every Monday and then post it here for you to see. Here goes nothing! I hope your screen doesn't break!!!
Starting weight: 248 lbs. (Just to make me feel a tad bit better, keep in mind I'm 6' tall. That's what all my friends tell me so I'm using if for all it's worth today)!!!!
Starting weight: 248 lbs. (Just to make me feel a tad bit better, keep in mind I'm 6' tall. That's what all my friends tell me so I'm using if for all it's worth today)!!!!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
PJ Making Party and Future MILF Swap Pkg.
So, for the first time since I was in high school I actually sewed something. I actually mean sewed something on a sewing machine. I'm so excited that my finished product was actually a success. Don't let me fool you, I'm sure once all you experienced sewers find out what I actually sewed you would say "well, I would hope that they were a success". I also want to make it clear that I didn't do this without help. The Girl and I went to her girlfriend's house (her Mom is also my friend) and the girlfriend's Mom and I sewed our little nimble fingers off. We only made one mistake (I think this is very good considering we were enjoying Hawaiian Harlos). The Girl was a bit concerned that she was going to have oompah- loompah pants instead of pajama pants. The mistake we made was quite hilarious for some time. A fun night was had by all and I can't wait to get started on my second pair. I may just need to ask for a sewing machine for Christmas, hmmm. We'll break that to the Husband at a later date because I'm sure he'll just say this is another crafting fad I'm going through. Please check out the cute PJ's below.

O.K., now we'll move on to the Future MILF Swap Pkg. I finally got my gift together for the Future MILF Swap as I stated in this post. My package is going to Judi over at Plumtickled. Following are a few pictures of the package and a few cards I'm including for her. If you're not sure what the Future MILF Swap is check out this post over at Mom-O-Matic. Make sure you continue checking back at Plumtickled to see what was in the package. Hopefully it will give her a little pick me up in helping her become a Future MILF.

Check back on Monday and I will finally start posting about my weight loss. I will post my starting weight (scare me) and then continue to post every Monday with an update. In case you haven't noticed I finally figured out how to do the linky thing. All on my own. Holy shitters the linky thing and sewing all in one weekend.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Future MILF Swap
Well, I finally got my little gift purchased for The Future MILF Swap. I will be sure to take a picture of the cute packaging I plan to put it in before I send it. I will post that on Monday along with my starting weight that I said I would post last week. Help, I'm scared!!!! Oh, yeah, don't let me fool you I will definitely be pounding down the Hawaiian Harlos and chips and cheese dip tonight. Monday is still a few days away!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Just Because I Haven't Posted In A While
Life has been quite hectic since my last post and just an update to let you know I still haven't found that willpower!
Speaking of willpower I will say that I've taken at least a step in that direction. I love reading Mom-O-Matic's blog (if I knew how to do that linky thing I'd have that blog name lit up so you could click on the blog name and check her out. But, since I'm quite ignorant when it comes to this blogging shit you'll just have to go to http://www.mom-o-matic.blogspot.com/) anyway, she has this future MILF swap (the name cracks me up) going on to try to motivate us blog reading woman to shed some pounds together. So, just to let you know I've signed up for that and am hoping this will help me along the way. I've also pulled out my WW materials and am going to try to give that a go again. Wish this food loving chick luck!
On another note. I've been noticing that the family picture that I have on my blog is starting to look quite outdated. "The boy" so looks like a little boy in that picture not the major teenager that he looks like now. I can hardly believe he will be turning 13 in November. He has a major mustache growing above his lip and he can look me in the eyes now. He is also so tall and thin, what a difference a year has made. It is so sad to see him growing, but I'm also so proud of the young man he is becoming. I hate to sound braggy but he really is such a nice young man and is becoming such a sports stud!
"The girl" has been keeping our home full of entertainment and drama. She has even changed so much since the picture. She's got the breast thing going on (she probably wouldn't be very happy to know that I posted that) and has finally got it through her head that she has to wear a bra everyday not just when she feels the need. The girl likes to keep me on my toes with her mouth but I'm putting her through my boot camp right now and she seems to finally be getting the clue that I'm the Mom not her!! The one thing about this darling girl is she never stays mad at me. Her life is so full of song and dance. I mean that literally, she is constantly flitting around here with a smile on her face singing some song which in return makes me smile and brings music to my world everyday.
"The husband" hasn't changed much other than he's costing us money now. Putting gasoline in your new turbo diesel truck and did I mention NEW ends up costing this family lots of money!!! So now he's trying to think of ways to save money to make up for the mistake. Like, how about we don't camp those few weekends we are planning because it will save us money (and keep in mind we just got a new camper that we've only got to camp in once and we're making payments on so we really should get some use out of it). Is he nuts? The Boy, The Girl and I didn't make that mistake!! I know I sound as if I'm being mean about this but I'm not. He was harder on himself about it than I. I simply said shit happens! In the big scope of life this is nothing. I still love him tons and did I mention what a great husband and father he is!!
And last but not least. As far as I go. I haven't changed a whole lot since the picture, of course I've probably added a few pounds but I can still fit into the pants I have on in the photo! I've just been busy being a mom, changing tons of shitty day care diapers and dealing with a little day care child that I must not be feeding well enough because she wants to keep chewing on the other children! Stop it will you!!
I suppose this is enough nonsense for now. I'll be sure to keep you posted on my search for willpower ( is that one word or two?).
Oh no, I forgot "The dog". She is still licking her paws til they bleed and dragging her ass on my carpeting! Got to love her!
Speaking of willpower I will say that I've taken at least a step in that direction. I love reading Mom-O-Matic's blog (if I knew how to do that linky thing I'd have that blog name lit up so you could click on the blog name and check her out. But, since I'm quite ignorant when it comes to this blogging shit you'll just have to go to http://www.mom-o-matic.blogspot.com/) anyway, she has this future MILF swap (the name cracks me up) going on to try to motivate us blog reading woman to shed some pounds together. So, just to let you know I've signed up for that and am hoping this will help me along the way. I've also pulled out my WW materials and am going to try to give that a go again. Wish this food loving chick luck!
On another note. I've been noticing that the family picture that I have on my blog is starting to look quite outdated. "The boy" so looks like a little boy in that picture not the major teenager that he looks like now. I can hardly believe he will be turning 13 in November. He has a major mustache growing above his lip and he can look me in the eyes now. He is also so tall and thin, what a difference a year has made. It is so sad to see him growing, but I'm also so proud of the young man he is becoming. I hate to sound braggy but he really is such a nice young man and is becoming such a sports stud!
"The girl" has been keeping our home full of entertainment and drama. She has even changed so much since the picture. She's got the breast thing going on (she probably wouldn't be very happy to know that I posted that) and has finally got it through her head that she has to wear a bra everyday not just when she feels the need. The girl likes to keep me on my toes with her mouth but I'm putting her through my boot camp right now and she seems to finally be getting the clue that I'm the Mom not her!! The one thing about this darling girl is she never stays mad at me. Her life is so full of song and dance. I mean that literally, she is constantly flitting around here with a smile on her face singing some song which in return makes me smile and brings music to my world everyday.
"The husband" hasn't changed much other than he's costing us money now. Putting gasoline in your new turbo diesel truck and did I mention NEW ends up costing this family lots of money!!! So now he's trying to think of ways to save money to make up for the mistake. Like, how about we don't camp those few weekends we are planning because it will save us money (and keep in mind we just got a new camper that we've only got to camp in once and we're making payments on so we really should get some use out of it). Is he nuts? The Boy, The Girl and I didn't make that mistake!! I know I sound as if I'm being mean about this but I'm not. He was harder on himself about it than I. I simply said shit happens! In the big scope of life this is nothing. I still love him tons and did I mention what a great husband and father he is!!
And last but not least. As far as I go. I haven't changed a whole lot since the picture, of course I've probably added a few pounds but I can still fit into the pants I have on in the photo! I've just been busy being a mom, changing tons of shitty day care diapers and dealing with a little day care child that I must not be feeding well enough because she wants to keep chewing on the other children! Stop it will you!!
I suppose this is enough nonsense for now. I'll be sure to keep you posted on my search for willpower ( is that one word or two?).
Oh no, I forgot "The dog". She is still licking her paws til they bleed and dragging her ass on my carpeting! Got to love her!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Lost: Looking For Willpower
Oh, and by the way it isn't my cat or dog! Hello, is there anyone out there that can tell me how to find some willpower? I've been searching and digging and searching some more and every Sunday night I tell myself that Monday will be the day that I will find it! Well, here we are again it's Monday and for some reason it still hasn't been found. I'm trying to find the willpower to stop eating so much junk and get my butt out for a walk and shed some of these pounds that are weighing me down (literally)! I know what I need to do but can't seem to make the time to make it happen. I've never really considered myself lazy but I'm beginning to wonder. I can't seem to figure out what is stopping me. Help!!!!
Oops! I had to stop back because I forgot to mention that as I sit here I'm eating Doritos and a Diet Coke (secretly wishing it was a bloody mary or hawaiian harlo) for lunch. So healthy!
Oops! I had to stop back because I forgot to mention that as I sit here I'm eating Doritos and a Diet Coke (secretly wishing it was a bloody mary or hawaiian harlo) for lunch. So healthy!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Just The Hubby and I
Happy Anniversary Hubby! Today marks 14 wonderful years for us. I'm very thankful to feel that after 14 years (17 years together) we are as committed to each other as we were on day one.
Hubby and I took a little trip together this past weekend with out the big children and the dog! Such Fun! I could hardly believe that I wasn't being the ref or the maid. Grandma and Grandpa got to take over those titles.
We didn't do much but relax and spend time together around the fire playing Mexican train and having a few cocktails. Our plans to go tubing down the river didn't happen due to the beautiful chilly weather. That's ok it just means we'll have to do it another time.
We missed the big kids so we were looking forward to getting home to see them. However, the one thing I didn't miss was my position as ref and maid! Oh well, hello real world, goodbye fantasy life!
Hubby and I took a little trip together this past weekend with out the big children and the dog! Such Fun! I could hardly believe that I wasn't being the ref or the maid. Grandma and Grandpa got to take over those titles.
We didn't do much but relax and spend time together around the fire playing Mexican train and having a few cocktails. Our plans to go tubing down the river didn't happen due to the beautiful chilly weather. That's ok it just means we'll have to do it another time.
We missed the big kids so we were looking forward to getting home to see them. However, the one thing I didn't miss was my position as ref and maid! Oh well, hello real world, goodbye fantasy life!
Monday, June 11, 2007
We're all about Baseball and Softball!
Well, the season is finally coming to an end. Finally, we think maybe we'll get a few more free evenings! It never fails, we are so excited for the season to start but yet we're just as excited for it to end. Although the season is ending, both A and M could try out for All Stars. As a Mom I'd really like to have rest of our summer to spend as a family camping and hanging out, however, I have a son that wants to try out for All Stars. So, on Friday he will try out for all stars and we'll just have to try to incorporate games and camping by camping in the town that the games are in! I continue to love my life as a baseball/softball Mom! Happy Summer!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Don't Have A Clue
Hello, I don't have a clue what I'm doing but thought I would give this blogging a shot!
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