Friday, May 9, 2008
I Guess You Could Say My Blog Is Closed!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
The last thing which is my favorite are these little Valentine's cards that the girl saw advertised last time we were in WalMart. We used this photo:

As the card reads "Have a dog gone good valentine!" and have a great day!
Edited to add: I know I speak of WalMart a few times in this post but when you live where I do you just don't have much to choose from. WalMart, my mall of choice!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
YOOHOO, Anyone Out There????
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I'm In Denial!!!
I have alot going on and will be sure to post about it all on Monday.
Also, wanted to tell you I came across a new blog that I've really enjoyed reading. Check out her blog: Big, Blonde, Beautiful Jess! I've enjoyed reading her because she has such a positive outlook on weight loss and even though she wants to lose weight she is at peace with herself. She seems like a breath of fresh air!! Check out number 4 in this post!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Yippee, Future MILF loot arrived!
When I opened the pouch I found some little yummies, something sexy and something just for fun. Thanks Judi for sharing with me some of your favorite helpers for WW. The drink is 0 points and counts as water, the Fiber One bars are 2 points and the Nips you get 2 pieces for 1 point! And oohlaalaa, the Brown Sugar thigh highs. The husband, he is adding these as his favorite! The just for fun fat quarter (I may sound dumb saying this but I have to tell you I've never heard of the term fat quarter!!) of fabric is so pretty I can't wait to use it. I love the colors. Anything paired up with brown, I love.